Kathleen tried everything for decades and just couldn’t get the last 20 pounds off. Then she researched the science for two years to find out what is actually backed by solid data and what is just hopeful or hype. Finally, Kathleen combined the best data-based science of what actually works with ancient biblical support and prayers for a course that touches your entire being–spirit, soul, and body–with the keys you need to get healthy once and for all!
It’s not too late–you can do this at any age! So far, 100% of the students who followed Kathleen’s bible & science based guidelines have been able to turn their health around. This is not a strict program, but will renew your mind concerning food, and will equip you with flexible keys that work with your body chemistry to enable you to shift your metabolism into vibrant health.
This course contains 18 hours of instruction with student Q&A, PLUS a dynamic communion prayer based on Jesus’ parable of The Field. You will also receive access to a 100-page companion PDF that contains weekly Action Plans and summaries of important topics, hacks, lists, damage control techniques, and money-saving hard-to-find recipes. Most important, you will gain access to join Kathleen’s private Weight Control & Vibrant Health community where you can get your questions answered. Studies show that the most successful people are those who are part of a supportive community.
Renew your mind about food & eating patterns
Learn how to reach & STAY at your best weight
Receive a PDF workbook for daily guidance
Apply spiritual techniques to speed weight loss
Be part of a community of like-minded people to stay on track
12 Teaching sessions + 1 BONUS session
A 100-page PDF workbook
A private community where you can ask questions and engage with Kathleen as well as other community members
Session 1: How We Got This Way (It’s not what you think!)
Session 2: Sleep, Cortisol & Reducing Stress
Session 3: Feeding, Fasting Mechanisms & Myths
Session 4: FOOD Part 1: Ancient & Modern
Session 5: FOOD Part 2: Nutrients & Damage Control
Session 6: FOOD Part 3: Carefully Choose & Mange Your Plants
Session 7: BELLY BLUES Part 1: Your Microbiome
Session 8: Insulin Resistance & Eating Windows
Session 9: BELLY BLUES Part 2: Visceral Fat
Session 10: Muscle & Movement Thresholds
Session 11: The Art of Stressing Metabolism (It’s the #1 Longevity Hack)
Session 12: Wrap-Up & Q&A
BONUS: Super-Erogation Prayer with Communion (Based on the parable of the field)
Starting Creating A Healthy Lifestyle That You've Always Dreamed About For Only $597!
Raise your ministry organization or church to the next level of supernatural power!
Book Kathleen to teach a seminar tailored for your group and experience level. Can be 2-3 days, 12-15 hours total. Or book her for shorter teachings at your conference, retreat, or other event. Click below to begin collaborating with Kathleen.
Experience Healing and Wholeness Through Christian Biohacking